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Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Danish Report On Masks The MSM And Government Officials Don't Want You To See

  Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers

Just another test just like all the others. Prior to this year virtually every clinical test ever done concluded that the general public wearing masks wasn't effective. Even in the beginning of the Covid-19 era all the "experts" said no need to wear a mask. Then, for no explained reason, they changed their collective atrophied minds. Mind you, they quoted NO tests, NO clinical trials to back up their NEW claim but, insisted we must all comply with their Draconian mandates.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Why Do Politicians And Doctors Insist They Can Control Nature?

 You've got politicians and sundry other imbeciles believing that humans can control the climate. You have politicians, doctors and the same sundry imbeciles believing they can control a virus by controlling humans. NEWS FLASH: Neither of these things is possible.

First, the climate. Seriously?! The climate has been in charge for billions of years. We aren't doing anything to change it and we aren't going to stop it from changing.

The virus. Ah yes, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2); the coronavirus; Covid-19; Kung-flu; The Vid; The Rona; Wuhan flu; Wu-flu; Chinese virus; and all the other nomenclatures. Politicians, listening to doctors on their payroll, believe they can control the virus by controlling the people. And the same people who cry "Fascist" and "Hitler" and "Dictator" go along with all the Draconian dictatorial mandates handed down by power-drunk governors and disparage anyone who decides Liberty and Freedom are still alive in this country.

In this day and age with the density of populations, you are not going to stop the spread of the virus. Certainly not to the extent that justifies ruining the booming (prior to the Wu-flu Panic of 2020) economy. Prior to this particular Chinese bred virus we were always told that viruses "have to run their course". And it's obvious to those of us who check multiple sources OUTSIDE of government-sanctioned sources, that this virus is pretty much running it's course. 

With so many people wearing masks and yet the numbers are again rising seems to point out that the masks worn in open public settings don't work. You know just like virtually every study done prior to 2020. (See my posts from Sept. 17th for examples)

Wear a mask if it makes you feel safer. Stay away from people not wearing a mask if it frightens you. Me? I believe all the studies saying mask worn by the general public aren't effective. I believe in Freedom, Liberty and keeping the economy and this great country going (despite the possibility a Biden/Harris takeover).

Be Free America!